Sunday, July 11, 2010


Perspective is a system for depicting the illusion of three-dimensional
space on a two dimensional surface.

Linear perspective is the most "realistic" method of portraying two dimensions the visual depth
of the natural world. In linear perspective forms far away from the viewer seem smaller than those close up. The parallel lines receding into the distance seem to converge until they meet at a point on the horizon line where they disappear. The point is known as vanishing point. It turns the square into a trapezoid.

Isometric perspective is a system in which distant forms are made smaller but parallel lines do not converge. The lines that would be perpendicular to the picture plane are drawn as sharp diagonals. They turn the square into a parallelogram.

Atmospheric perspective forms meant to be perceived as far as the distance is blurred, indistinct, and misty-much as the eye perceives distant forms in nature.

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