Thursday, July 8, 2010


Sculpture is the art of modeling, casting, carving, and assembling materials into a finished product. There are two sculptural processes used: subtractive and additive. Subtractive is a process in which the unwanted material is cut away until the desired form remains. Carving is a subtractive sculptural process. Additive is a process of constructing figures by putting together the segments of the material or welding together parts of a metal. Modeling and assembling are additive process. Casting is another process which involves a mold of some kind, into which a liquid or semi-liquid materiel is poured and allowed to harden.
A sculptural work is a three dimensional form constructed to represent a natural or imaginary shape. It can be free-standing sculpture one which can be seen from more than one position, while a relief sculpture projects from a flat background. When the form is slightly raised it is called bas relief, and when the figure projects to the extent of one half their thickness or more, and it is almost round, it is high relief sculpture.

Limestone and sandstone. These are materials which are relatively soft and porous. They are easy to carve, but they are not strong materials and the effect is dull and granular. They are suited for simple effects.

Granite. Granite is a stone of volcanic origin, and difficult to chisel. It is good for large works but with only few details.

Marble. This material is easier to carve and softer than granite. The internationally famous marble sculpture is Michelangelo's Pieta at St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City. An exact copy of the sculpture can be found at the loyola Memorial Park in Marikina, done in Carrara marble too, by Bruno Bearzzi . There is another copy at the Manila Cathedral near Letran.

Wood. Since wood is lighter and softer, it can be intricately carved, and subjected to variety of treatment not possible with stones.

Ivory. Ivory comes from the tusks of elephant and wild boar. Sculptural works made of ivory are small due to its limited size.

Metal. There are three unique qualities of metal: tensile strength, ductility and malleability. It can be shaped into any form under great pressure without cracking. Metals traditionally used for sculpture are brass, bronze, copper, gold, silver and lead.


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