The principles of design are a natural part of perception. These are not rules or laws but are guidelines rather to make the most effective choices and give greater insights into the work of art. These are the principles of unity and variety, balance, emphasis, scale and proportion, rhythm and harmony.
Unity is a sense of oneness of thing belonging together and making up a coherent whole.
Variety is difference which provides interest. An artist can achieve unity by holding one or two elements constant and varying the others. The artist brings together a number of diverse objects
having different colors, shapes, sizes and textures and arrange them into a pleasing composition.
Balance is the equality of weight attention or attraction of the various elements. Its types are symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.
Symmetrical. balance is seen when two sides are identical and nearly so they have same visual weight.
Asymmetrical. composition has two sides that do not match. The following sets of drawing illustrate also some general precepts about asymmetrical balance called informal balance.
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